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  • old house老房子中英


    两个哥哥们在订窗户,爸爸妈妈在门前拔杂乱的荒草,我在前院做拍客,妈妈一时看不见了我,大声喊:丫头,丫头,你在哪儿?我应着声走进里院,妈妈舒了口气,在外面就好,别在屋子里待着啊,里面太阴,别感冒了。 two brother in order to mom and dad in fron......访问全文 >>

  • 我不会一直是一个人中英文


    今天突然想结婚了,然而沉思了下后,又觉得结婚是一件特别遥远的事,甚至都觉得不可能发生在我的身上。 suddenly want to get married today, but after pondering the next, but also felt that marriage is a very distant thing, and even feel impossibl......访问全文 >>

  • interpretation of a love story


    Suddenly, a phone, interpretation of a love story. A lady called and said she picked up an iPhone 7 and called the owner of the phone to claim it. Because she couldnt reach her son, she found me in a hurry. When I came to Nanping Fuzhou of......访问全文 >>


  • old house老房子中英 old house老房子中英 两个哥哥们在订窗户,爸爸妈妈在门前拔杂乱的荒草,我在前院做拍客,妈妈一时看不见了我,大声喊:丫头,丫头,你在哪儿?我应着声走进里院,妈妈舒了口气,在外面就好,别……
  • 我不会一直是一个人中英文 我不会一直是一个人中英文 今天突然想结婚了,然而沉思了下后,又觉得结婚是一件特别遥远的事,甚至都觉得不可能发生在我的身上。 suddenly want to get married today, but after pondering the nex……
  • interpretation of a love story interpretation of a love story Suddenly, a phone, interpretation of a love story. A lady called and said she picked up an iPhone 7 and called the owner of the phone to claim it. Because she c……

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